
Our certifiable Doing Business without Bribery e-learning provides comprehensive anti-corruption training for your staff.  

This 30-minute training addresses real-life situations that are typically encountered in business environments covering: 

  • What is bribery? 

  • Why are anti-corruption efforts important? 

  • How to prevent and resist bribery in challenging scenarios 

  • Bribery laws and the consequences of bribery for staff and organisations 

To customise our training to include your company policies and procedures, please contact our partner Skillcast 

We produce a wide range of research, guidance and training resources to help companies and investors to better detect, prevent and manage corruption risk and promote integrity:

For NGOs: Our Doing Good without Bribery e-learning is for anyone working in international development, whether for a not-for-profit organisation or in a commercial capacity. 

Our Resources


Investing with Integrity II

Preparing for the CSRD

Values Added

Make it Count

Open Business

Incentivising Ethics

Investing with Integrity


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